The Hass Group

Investors & Partners

HASS Petroleum consistently seeks out and prioritizes strategic partnerships aimed at fostering business growth, expansion, and the establishment of enduring relationships that bring mutual advancement and benefits to all involved parties

OQ Trading Limited

When choosing partners, we place emphasis on shared values and a similar ethos of thought leadership. One such significant partnership was forged with OQ Trading Limited, a company under the ownership of the Sultanate of Oman. This strategic alliance served as a cornerstone for securing our trajectory of growth, fortifying the groundwork for our business. The collaboration between Hass and OQ Trading Limited capitalized on the strengths of both entities. Hass Petroleum’s robust downstream opportunities seamlessly complemented OQ’s prowess in petroleum trading and upstream capabilities. This alignment generated strong synergies between our businesses, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship that capitalized on our combined strengths and capabilities.

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